Celebrating Sensors Council's 25th Anniversary!
Keynotes and Anniversary Talks
CERN, Switzerland
Tulane University, USA
Caltech, USA
Michigan State University and VP IEEE Technical Activities
IEEE VP-elect Technical Activities
Conference Locations

Access the Mobile App
To access the IEEE SENSORS 2023 Schedule and Online Platform, please use your unique login.
Once re-directed to the home page of the site, to log in, click the login button on the top right -hand corner of the Welcome Page and enter your login credentials. When you first log in, a user details page will display. On this page, you may update your user profile with a picture, biography, affiliation and even choose the time zone you would like to see the schedule in.
25th Anniversary Ball
One of the biggest palace complexes in the world: Formerly the residence of the imperial family and the venue of the Sensors Council 25th Anniversary Ball Tuesday, October 31, 2023!