
Thank you for attending IEEE SENSORS 2023 in Vienna, Austria! We hope to see you in Kobe, Japan for IEEE SENSORS 2024!

Celebrating Sensors Council's 25th Anniversary!

Keynotes and Anniversary Talks

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    CERN, Switzerland

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    Tulane University, USA

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    Caltech, USA

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    Michigan State University and VP IEEE Technical Activities

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    IEEE VP-elect Technical Activities

Conference Locations

SC 25th Anniversary Ball (2).png

Access the Mobile App


To access the IEEE SENSORS 2023 Schedule and Online Platform, please use your unique login.

Once re-directed to the home page of the site, to log in, click the login button on the top right -hand corner of the Welcome Page and enter your login credentials. When you first log in, a user details page will display. On this page, you may update your user profile with a picture, biography, affiliation and even choose the time zone you would like to see the schedule in. 

Sensors Council

25th Anniversary Ball

One of the biggest palace complexes in the world: Formerly the residence of the imperial family and the venue of the Sensors Council 25th Anniversary Ball Tuesday, October 31, 2023!