WiSe-YP Big Idea Pitch Competition

Wednesday | November 1, 2023 | 13:30 - 15:00

This competition is to motivate young students/researchers to develop entrepreneurial and business mindsets with their skills and training on sensor research and development.

Competition Rules

  • A five-minute oral pitch presentation with four slides about a business idea based on the presenter’s research project(s).
  • The first slide is for the title, presenter, affiliation and credentials. The other 3 slides focus on “the Problem”, “Solution(s)”, and “Expected Outcomes”.
  • The teams can bring what they can carry
  • Each team can have 1 or max 2 participants.
  • Eligible for students, postdoctoral fellows, and young professionals (defined as within 15 years from B.Sc. degree by the IEEE YP program)
  • One-page proposal should be submitted on or before 17 October 2023. The proposal should include a project Title, the Problem, Solution(s), and Expected Outcomes.
  • The judging and mentoring panel will consist of entrepreneurs and academic researchers.


Will be announced soon.


To register Click the following link to complete the form.


Will be announced soon


  • Michigan Tech, USA

  • Han Shao

    Tyndall National Institute, Ireland

  • One:Solutions Engineering GmbH

  • Werner Drexel



The competition is sponsored by Sensors Council WiSe and YP committees.

For inquiry, email: stabassum@uttyler.edu